Friday, July 17, 2009

I Can Hear Your Whispers

I hear the conversations
The inquiries about me
Though I do not hear the other side
Just the “how is she’s”

I know this goes on
I am not naive
Though people think I am
Pretending it’s not happening
All to “help” me

I will share when I am ready
If it pertains to you
You’ll hear

If not, just hold me gently
Cover me in Light
As I begin to wonder
Is this worth the fight?

Trying to help someone
Understand what they cannot
Is a task that’s never finished
It “costs” me quite a lot

It’s my choice to seek completion
Or to just leave this undone
As my Life moves on in circles
Underneath the sun

1 comment:

Staying in Balance said...

I love the imagery of moving in circles under the sun.