Monday, July 6, 2009

A Trip to Baltimore

Traffic jams
And broken phones
Satellite signals lost
GPS confused as me
As I wonder
Through Baltimore

Road construction
Great big trucks
Threaten my every move
Survival is on my mind
And “there’s no place like home,”
Rings true

Knowing Peace is out there
Just beyond my grasp
But I am stuck on this track
Of negative mishaps
And can’t find my way off
This Audubon

I make it home
For a quick moments break
And connect with some strong folks
I ask for light and prayers and such
Without an explanation
Other than, “this day is tough”

Suddenly the madness stops
A gentleman is kind
He seems surprised as I thank him
For being the catalyst
That changed my day
From bad to good
In Many Ways

1 comment:

Staying in Balance said...

I love the line, "gps confused as me"!

Glad you got through it!